Service Consultant Training Class

Your trainer will be Scott Wheeler
WHY: Because your Service Advisor is likely the single most important person you employ! They are the name, face, voice, and personality of your business.
PURPOSE: Enhance the existing skillset of the participant in critical areas of performance to yield significant improvements. Explain both the area of review combined with the logic in higher levels of attainment.
WHO: Any person who is engaged with the motoring public, i.e. automotive/truck service and repair personnel speaking with the shop’s customers, via any method of contact – telephone, in-person, email, text, voicemail, etc.
MEALS PROVIDED: continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks, drinks, etc.
MATERIALS PROVIDED: Full-color course workbook, and knowledge that can be applied the very next day!
CONTENT DELIVERY: Class room – ACGI Winner’s Circle Training Center, located just 45 minutes NE of Atlanta, in Pendergrass, GA.
- Preliminary testing and discussion of results, identifying key strengths and weaknesses
- Understanding the need to change, The Change Triangle
- Understanding the criticality of the Service Consultant position; Duties and responsibilities. You are an interpreter.
- Understanding today’s customer
- What do they look like? What do they want? Do they have a problem? Can you fix the problem? Can you charge a fair, reasonable, & profitable solution to their problem? Can you stand behind the agreement? Can you develop trust, respect, and rapport? Will they return if you do all of this?
- How to handle the situation when it does not go according to plan
- In person
- Via telephone
- On line, handling negative reviews
- Handling refund requests, or “take it off my bill”
- DISC – learning the basic personality types (this is a basic overview, and is NOT meant to be in-depth. Additional training here is highly recommended).
- You have approximately 15-20 seconds to determine where your customer is likely to best fit:
- D, I, S, or C
- You have approximately 15-20 seconds to determine where your customer is likely to best fit:
- Matching & Mirroring – why Parental Discretion is advised
- Nine Critical Steps to a Close
- Communication skills
- Tools available
- Checking for understanding
- Put it in writing, document, and get customer’s agreement
- Using current technology to enhance communication
- Handling the (very) technical side of communication – Must the Service Consultant have in-depth technical knowledge?
- Communication with Technicians
- Understanding what the Technician requires from you to do his job
- Understanding the value of a Technician’s time
- Verbally
- Via the Repair Order
- Continual updates – handling the (very) fluid process of the repair
- How to get the Technician to help you sell a repair job
- When to let the Technician speak directly to a customer, the “Dos, and Don’ts”
- Inspection of the vehicle
- The three “Cs”
- Finding other needed work; how & when to present; prioritizing; future scheduling
- Preparing the Sales Proposal – how to properly write an estimate of repairs
- Preparation, what is needed
- Researching previous vehicle repairs, TSBs, Campaigns, Dealer Recalls, etc.
- Understanding the importance of properly preparing the Parts side of the Estimate
- Understanding Labor Hour Inventory, billable hours, and current workload
- Understanding additional charges to the customer, how to handle “push-back”
- How to build value into your sales proposal
- Tools available
- Understanding financial KPIs, margins, the effective labor rate and the direct impact to the company’s P & L
- Understanding the value of one billable hour in your shop – detailed formula & how to calculate
- Preparation, what is needed
- Double-checking your Sales Proposal prior to discussion with the customer
- Preparation for questions
- Does this proposal meet or exceed the shop’s required KPIs?
- Parts availability
- Technician availability
- Anticipated outcome and planning your contingencies
- Presenting your Sales Proposal to the customer
- Understanding the psychology of your customer
- Delivering the information so as to enhance close ratios
- Handling discounts, coupons, “I found it on-line cheaper at XXXX”
- Asking for and closing the sale – learn when to shut up!
- Delivering on your Sales Proposal Promise
- When things don’t go as planned – when to bring the customer into the loop
- Monitoring estimated completion times
- Under promise, over deliver
- Delivery of completed vehicle and collecting payment
- Explanation of work performed and parts used
- Explanation of warranties, general & specific
- Explanation of any sublet services provided
- Getting them to return
- Setting their next appointment
- Using Factory Scheduled Maintenance information
- Knowledge of and implementation of CRM program
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