Our Services
Discover why you should revisit your foundation, learn effective techniques to better understand today’s customer, and learn how to provide a solid sales proposal in a consultative manner that your customers’ crave. Then take an in-depth look at how that translates to an increase in mutual trust, respect, and confidence…which results in greater customer satisfaction, higher rate of return, and increased sales. But it all starts with you, with the assistance of a 40+ year industry veteran who understands your business inside and out.
Our Services & Offers
ACGI will break down your operation into its key operating components with an objective view. We will evaluate how you conduct your business of repairing cars with a calculating eye on your shop’s profitability, and then custom-tailor a workable plan designed to improve your bottom line.
After reviewing your current operating practices, we will carefully design a custom-tailored plan of action, specifically for your business. This plan will give you a “road map”, showing just where you stand, with specific plans on how to get your operation to the “next level” through the use of careful strategy by improving your bottom line.
ACGI will thoroughly evaluate your existing marketing plan. We specifically look for ways to improve relations with YOUR customers (CRM), while attracting additional new clients (CAM). We can also determine if niche marketing would work for your operation. We absolutely set up all of your social media (Social Media marketing such as Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, and blogs marketing for maximum effectiveness purely to improve your bottom line).
Many of our clients simply need to have policies, procedures (SOPs), and operational guidelines evaluated, modified, or created altogether and put in place. On most every assignment we take on, this is a large part of our work. These processes create efficiency which can only improve your bottom line.
We also have tremendous knowledge of various computer software programs on the market and can assist you to find the proper program for your business. Lack of high-quality Shop Management software oftentimes is the single biggest cause of poor shop productivity, parts & labor profit margins, poor marketing efforts and overall frustrations trying to run the business properly and consistently from job to job, day to day.
We all have heard stories about the EPA, DOT, and OSHA crackdowns, especially in the automotive industry. If you don’t think it can happen to your shop, you’re mistaken. Do you really understand all of the confusing laws and regulations that apply to your business? ACGI has trained professionals who can help guide you toward compliance, which, of course, can only help to improve your bottom line.
ACGI has significant experience in the field of automotive repair equipment. We can assist you with evaluating your current “real assets”, your equipment, with an eye toward marketing your services, or capturing lost markets, thereby improving your bottom line.
We can evaluate just how satisfied your customers really are with your services. This is an extremely important tool used by all major dealerships to determine how well they are meeting their customer’s expectations for proper service and repair. Report includes detailed results to assist you in changing strategies, thereby increasing your bottom line.
One small accident involving an employee or a customer, which may not be life threatening to them, can most certainly be life threatening to your business. We can evaluate your operation, with specific recommendations as to how to make it a safer and more pleasant repair facility, for both your employees, and your customers. Zero lost workdays from your valuable technicians will improve your bottom line.
We’ve assembled more than 70 critical documents, essential to managing your human resources.
We can test the skill level of your current technicians to determine how they can most effectively contribute to your operation. A thorough analysis of their technical training, tools and equipment, and knowledge of advanced diagnostics can be performed. Properly trained and knowledgeable techs can help to contribute to your bottom line.
The pool of available, competent, equipped, and technically proficient technicians is grower smaller daily. In your urgency to fill a vacancy with another technician, make sure you’re not opening yourself to difficult, expensive, and time-consuming matters such as:
- Wage garnishment (employee has history of credit problems)
- Punitive damages (employee has history of drug or alcohol use)
- Theft (employee has hidden criminal record)
- Lost customer confidence (employee has track record of “hit & run” type repairs at other shops)
- Lawsuit (employee holds you accountable for his actions)
ACGI can not only test a candidate for technical competence, but can look further into the employee’s résumé for possible hidden problems. Knowing this critical information up front can help you to avoid painful and costly mistakes. Result? Improvements to your bottom line.
ACGI can assist you with identifying needed equipment, provide an objective comparison among the various manufacturers and models, and can even assist you with the purchase of needed equipment.
We work together toward achieving your goals previously outlined. We can and normally do provide continuous support via phone, fax, email, shop visits, after hour’s visits, or whatever it takes to assist you in placing the strategies ACGI has recommended into your operation. We can further help you to fine tune the process to improve your bottom line.
Automotive Consultants Group, Inc. is your shop’s total solution provider
Custom-tailored programs built around your business style
On-going support programs to assist you with continuous development of your business
We provide written proposals prior to beginning any work
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