Mastering the Six Financial Keys to Build a Multi-Million Dollar Shop

You’ve been working diligently to achieve that ever-elusive balance between gross sales & profits, and have managed to control your operating expenses to yield a nice net operating profit. And yet, you’re confused as to why the numbers aren’t adding up. Students of this class will learn how to achieve their goals by managing six specific financial tools:
Course Overview:
Using Profit ProActive ™ to determine where you are compared with where you need to be. - Key #2 THE SALES FORECAST
Setting the goal — the sales forecast
Use “How to Build a Million Dollar Shop”
Understand what your shop is capable of, i.e. # bays, techs, billable hour production, etc.
Marketing and advertising strategies - Key #3 THE BUSINESS SUMMARY REPORT
How to glean the KPIs
How effective is your marketing? Advertising?
Is your staffing in line with your trended forecast?
Are your prices adjusted for Merchant Fees?
Are you looking at your inventory turns? - Key #4 THE KPI TRACKER
Tracking your sales daily
By the repair order
By the day, week, month, quarter, year
Adjusting to variance or deficit - Key #5 THE FINANCIAL COMPOSITE
Using the Financial Composite
Understanding the impact to your P&L - Key #6 COACHES WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE GOAL #2
Using coaches to help you achieve Goal #2
Presentation Materials:
Power Point presentation, video, full-color workbook.
Course Length:
6 hours. Can be modified to fit existing time slots.
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